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When Allie Chapter wakes up in the wrong world and gets kidnapped by supernatural forces, her lazy college life turns upside down. Allie is a Walker, blessed–or cursed–with the power to travel between different versions of Earth.
Nicole McKeon is definitely a human. A regular human who eats food, and sleeps, and likes dogs. Like all regular humans. She is certainly not a fae creature masquerading as a person. Those don't exist. Who told you that?
Her books will NOT suck you out of your world and leave you stranded in precarious situations with magical characters so she can absorb your energy and increase her power. People will say anything these days. Just read one of her books. You'll be fine. I'm sure. You can trust me.
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When no other defining characteristics make the FMC compelling or likable, the self-sacrifice trope reinforces the idea that a "good woman" sacrifices her identity, safety, and autonomy for the benefit of others. Not because she is making an active choice that will result in personal growth or heroism, but because that’s simply who she is—sacrificing is her default.